Sunday, June 20, 2010

I love having a sewing machine in my jewelry workspace

I was beginning to wonder what kind of packaging I could use at Mass Craft Market... the thought of scouring the local stationary shops for something both reasonably-priced and pretty was not appealing to me. Then I had an idea! I found some large art paper I had lying around, cut it into rectangles, and sewed them together to make purple shiny jewelry envelopes:

If you have any experience using a sewing machine, this is a straightforward project. Remember to keep the needle down when you're turning those 90-degree corners! I took to sewing a pile of them without trimming the threads, then working through the pile doing the trimming--it felt more efficient that way.

I made three sizes--one for earrings, one for pendants, and one for more elaborate necklaces.

To close them when they have jewelry (and a business card) in them, I'll just fold the tops over and secure with tape or a cute sticker.

I like it when I can put my miscellaneous craft knowledge to good use like this. These bags say much more about me than something from a stationary store would have!

I also sewed silk necklace cords for some pendants I'm working on:


  1. That's a very neat idea! One day when I do craft fairs, I would love to make my own bags. Good job!

  2. WOW! This is a very creative and unique idea. It also eliminates having to deal with bulky/awkward little jewelry boxes (that are also more expensive!) Good job!


  3. Cool idea. Thanks for sharing. I wish I knew how to sew. I did a small Holiday fundraiser in 2008 and for bags I bought the white paper bags at the grocery store for packing your lunch in. Then when I got home I stamped them with a Santa Claus on one side using embossing ink and silver embossing powder and a red Thank You stamp on the other side. I think I will do something similar for my next show as well.
